Tuesday 5 February 2013

Computer and Mobile Phone


Cell phones and computers (PCs) are both very popular devices used by people of every age and background. In addition to that similarity, PCs and cell phones are alike in many other ways; for example, both can be used as a form of direct communication. However, there are distinct differences between the two devices.

Differences between Computer and Mobile Phone:

A tablet personal computer (tablet PC) is a portable personal computer equipped with a touchscreen as a primary input device designed to be operated and owned by an individual. The term was made popular as a concept presented by Microsoft in 2001, but tablet PCs now refer to any tablet-sized personal computer regardless of the operating system.
Unlike laptops, tablet personal computers may not be equipped with a keyboard, in which case they use a virtual onscreen substitute. All tablet personal computers have a wireless adapter for Internet and local network connection. Software applications for tablet PCs include office suites, web browsers, games and a variety of applications. However, since portable computer hardware components are low powered, demanding PC applications may not provide an ideal experience to the user.

Handheld computer is a pocket-sized computing device, typically having a display screen with touch input and/or a miniature keyboard. In the case of the personal digital assistant (PDA) the input and output are often combined into a touch-screen interface. Smartphones and PDAs are popular amongst those who require the assistance and convenience of certain aspects of a conventional computer, in environments where carrying one would not be practical. Enterprise digital assistants can further extend the available functionality for the business user by offering integrated data capture devices like barcode, RFID and smart card readers.

A smartphone is a mobile phone that offers more advanced computing ability and connectivity than a contemporary basic feature phone. Smartphones and feature phones may be thought of as handheld computers integrated within a mobile telephone, but while most feature phones are able to run applications based on platforms such as Java ME, a smartphone allows the user to install and run more advanced applications based on a specific platform. Smartphones run complete operating system software providing a platform for application developers.

Mobile Phone Differences

The most obvious difference between a cell phone and PC is the size. Cell phones are significantly smaller than PCs, and are able to fit in the palm of one's hand. Cell phones are also designed for mobility. Since they have internal batteries which may be charged from any wall outlet, they can be used practically anywhere. They are also intended for personal use, meaning they are rarely used by more than one person. Cell phones have less command functions than a PC's keyboard and considerably less storage space. Some cell phones may be used as a GPS device.

Computer Differences

There are two types of personal computers, desktops and laptops. Laptops share more similarities with cell phones than desktops, because laptops are portable. Larger desktops remain stationary, for the most part, and may be used by multiple members of a household. Laptops and desktops have much more room for software and digital media than any cell phone, and can oftentimes play CDs and DVDs. It's also easier to attach hardware like printers, speakers, and external drives to a PC.
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Computers are More Capable than Mobile Phones

Computers have a powerful set of capabilities, relative to mobile phones, at least those less than smart phones. They have a multimedia capabilities that allow not only for the presentation of verbal information but information in a variety of visual forms, such as charts, graphs, dynamic graphics and animations, video, and 3D virtual spaces. With the appropriate programming, they provide for interactivity that allows students to respond to questions, an important consideration when it comes to learning.

Similarities between Computer and Mobile Phone:

PCs and cell phones are both electronically powered devices, though cell phones require a charged internal battery while desk PCs remain plugged into a wall outlet during use. Similar to a cell phone, however, a laptop can be charged and used on battery power. Many modern cell phones have Internet capabilities, one of the primary functions of a PC. Just like the initial purpose of a cell phone is vocal communication, it is also possible to have live conversations on a PC through programs like Skype. Both devices also have illuminated screens which display digital information. It is possible to text messages from both a cell phone and a PC. Smart phones can be used like a computer due to their ability to surf the Web and use computer software.

Monday 4 February 2013

Hell and Heaven


Most religions and religious organizations, including most Christian and Muslims denominations, teach that good people go to some sort of paradise, usually heaven, and bad people go to hell after they die. Heaven is usually characterized as a place of unsurpassable happiness—the ultimate paradise. It is commonly taught and believed that all who go there will live joyfully forever. Yet, considering what a wonderful place it is supposed to be, it seems no one is in a hurry to go there. Death, which according to most traditional beliefs is the gateway to heaven, is generally viewed as something to be avoided at all costs. Through medical science we usually do everything we can to prevent death as long as possible. If such a journey to heaven could be by means of some heavenly express, wouldn't we find that almost no one would want to buy a ticket? Wouldn't we find that most people would prefer the continuation of their present life here on earth to any immediate possibility of taking up residence in heaven? Our actions indicate this is the way most of us think.

Differences between hell and heaven:

There are many differences between heaven and hell. The book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible, paints a beautiful picture of heaven as having streets of pure gold, gates of pearl, walls decorated with every manner of precious gemstones. Revelation 21:18-21 says, “The wall was made of jasper, and the city of pure gold, as pure as glass. The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone. The first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third chalcedony, the fourth emerald, the fifth sardonyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst. The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl. The great street of the city was of pure gold, like transparent glass.” Nothing impure ever will be in heaven, and the residents shall live eternally in the presence of God and Jesus Christ. It is a place of joy, peace, and love. Jesus Himself has prepared a wonderful place for us. In John 14:1-4, Jesus says, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going." This is the place the righteous shall go for eternity (John 5:24).
Hell, on the other hand, is described as a lake of fire (Revelations 20:15), the second death (Revelations 21:8), a place where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth (Luke 13:28), the home of the wicked (Psalm 9:17) and a place of torment (Revelations 20:10). Hell is where those who reject the great sacrifice of Jesus will spend eternity.

Story about differences between heaven and hell:

Long time ago there lived an old woman who had a wish. She wished more than anything to see for herself the difference between heaven and hell. The monks in the temple agreed to grant her request. They put a blindfold around her eyes, and said, "First you shall see hell."
When the blindfold was removed, the old woman was standing at the entrance to a great dining hall. The hall was full of round tables, each piled high with the most delicious foods — meats, vegetables, fruits, breads, and desserts of all kinds! The smells that reached her nose were wonderful.
The old woman noticed that, in hell, there were people seated around those round tables. She saw that their bodies were thin, and their faces were gaunt, and creased with frustration. Each person held a spoon. The spoons must have been three feet long! They were so long that the people in hell could reach the food on those platters, but they could not get the food back to their mouths. As the old woman watched, she heard their hungry desperate cries. "I've seen enough," she cried. "Please let me see heaven."
And so again the blindfold was put around her eyes, and the old woman heard, "Now you shall see heaven." When the blindfold was removed, the old woman was confused. For there she stood again, at the entrance to a great dining hall, filled with round tables piled high with the same lavish feast. And again, she saw that there were people sitting just out of arm's reach of the food with those three-foot long spoons.
But as the old woman looked closer, she noticed that the people in heaven were plump and had rosy, happy faces. As she watched, a joyous sound of laughter filled the air.
And soon the old woman was laughing too, for now she understood the difference between heaven and hell for herself. The people in heaven were using those long spoons to feed each other.
And the short definition about differences between heaven and hell is,
Heaven is a place where the police are English; the chefs are Italian; the car mechanics are German; the lovers are French and it’s all organized by the Swiss. Hell is a place where the police are German; the chefs are English the car mechanics are French the lovers are Swiss and it’s all organized by the Italians.

Similarities between hell and heaven:

Heaven, the Heavens or seven heavens, is a common religious cosmological or metaphysical term for the physical or transcendent place from which heavenly beings (such as a Sky deity, God, angels, King or queen of heaven, Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother, heavenly saints orvenerated ancestors) originate, are enthroned or inhabit. It is commonly believed that heavenly beings can descend to earth or take on earthly flesh and that earthly beings can ascend to Heaven in the afterlife or in exceptional cases enter Heaven alive. Heaven is often described as a "higher place", the holiest place, a paradise, in contrast to Hell or the underworld or the "low places", and universally or conditionally accessible by earthly beings according to various standards of divinity, goodness, piety, faith, or other virtues or right beliefs or simply the Will of God. Some believe in the possibility of a Heaven on Earth in a World to come. It is most commonly referred to by Christians and Muslims.
While in many religious traditions, hell is a place of suffering and punishment in the afterlife. Religions with a linear divine history often depict hells as endless. Religions with a cyclic history often depict a hell as an intermediary period between incarnations. Typically these traditions locate hell under the Earth's external surface and often include entrances to Hell from the land of the living. Other afterlife destinations include Heaven, Purgatory, Paradise, and Limbo.
 Other traditions, which do not conceive of the afterlife as a place of punishment or reward, merely describe hell as an abode of the dead, a neutral place located under the surface of Earth (for example, see sheol and Hades). Modern understandings of hells often depict them abstractly, as a state of loss rather than as fiery torture literally underground, but this view of the concept of a hell can, in fact, be traced back into the ancient and medieval periods as well.[citation needed] Hell is sometimes portrayed as populated with demons who torment those dwelling there. Many are ruled by a death god such as Nergal, Hades, Enma or the Christian and Islamic Devil (Satan or Lucifer). In Islam, the Devil does not actually reside in Hell.

Soul and Body


The most important revelation I have ever received is the understanding that we were created by God with three distinct parts: spirit, soul, and body. Over forty years ago, that revelation opened the eyes of my understanding to the Bible and the true nature of God. Everything I teach is based on the revelation of who I am in Christ, or my born-again spirit. We have millions of new viewers since I last taught on Spirit, Soul & Body back in 2008, and I want to make sure everyone knows that this truth holds the key that will unlock the treasure chest of God’s blessings. Once you understand this, the Bible comes alive.
For example, you already have inside of you the same power that raised Christ from the dead, regardless of your experience. It’s in your spirit. You also have love, joy, and peace in your born-again spirit, although you may be suffering depression, anger, and bitterness.
If you don’t understand what happened in your spirit, though, you will miss these blessings. The Bible says that every born-again believer has undergone a complete inner transformation.
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ” (2 Cor. 5:17-18).
It doesn’t say that all things are becoming new or have the potential of becoming new; they are new, the moment you are born again. But, in order for that to make sense, you must first understand how God created you.
God’s Word clearly teaches that we are three-part beings, but very few Christians have a functional understanding of spirit, soul, and body in their daily lives.Intellectually, most Christians believe they are three-part beings, but functionally, they are ignorant of their spiritual identity. They’ve confused the operation of the soul and spirit, seeing them basically as one.
Even Strong’s Concordance fails to distinguish all three! It defines “spirit” (pneuma in the Greek) as “the rational soul.” However, in my study of God’s Word, I have found a very distinct difference between spirit and soul. Your spirit is your innermost part, not your “rational soul.”
First Thessalonians 5:23 makes it very clear that we are three-part beings:
“And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (underlines mine).
If you were talking to me face to face, you’d be seeing my body but speaking to my soul. The word soul is defined by some as the mind, will, and emotions, and while that’s certainly true, it’s incomplete. The “conscience” should also be included in that definition, as well as the “imagination.” The soul is really what most call the “personality.”
You can feel both your body and your soul, and you are receiving information from them all the time. For example, if I asked you if you were hot or cold, you wouldn’t have to pray about it and get back to me. You instantly know that. Likewise, if I asked how you felt emotionally, you don’t have to study on it and tell me tomorrow. You know if you are sad or glad at any moment.
It’s easy to know how your body feels, what’s going on in your mind, and what emotions you are experiencing. However, your spirit is much different; it cannot be accessed through your five senses.
John 3:6 says,

“That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.”
Jesus meant that there’s no direct connection between the two. Spirit is spirit and flesh is flesh. You simply cannot contact your spirit through your five senses or through your mind, will, or emotions. This is the key that unlocked my brain.
If you don’t understand that spiritual reality can’t be felt, then you’ll be confused when God’s Word declares that you have, living in you, the same power that raised Jesus from the dead (Eph. 1:18-20). If you think truth can be discerned through your natural senses, then you’ll be baffled when the Bible says you’re a brand-new creature who can do the same miraculous works that Jesus did (2 Cor. 5:17 and John 14:12).
The apparent disparity between your natural experiences and God’s Word will cause you to throw up your hands in frustration and conclude that it must not be true. It’s the understanding of spirit, soul, and body that unlocks who you are and what you have in Christ.

In the natural, the spirit realm can’t be seen or felt. The only way to accurately perceive spiritual truth is through the Bible. Simply believe God’s Word!
Jesus said in John 6:63,
“It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.”
God’s World reveals spiritual reality. If you want to know what your spirit is like, you must find out from the Word, not by relying on emotions or other perceptions. God’s Word is spirit and life! When you look at your face in a mirror, you trust what you see. God’s Word is just like that mirror; it reflects perfectly who you are in your spirit.
“For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therin, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed” (James 1:23-25).
You must look into God’s mirror and trust the spiritual reality you see! It reflects your new, born-again spirit, your innermost part.
Although full payment has been made for your glorified body through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, you still have a corrupted body. One day it will be redeemed and changed into an incorruptible one, but for now, you still have the same body.
Your soul wasn’t saved either, so you may have the same thoughts and emotions you had before you were saved. Because of that, some of you seriously doubt whether or not you were saved. You don’t understand that the change took place in your spirit. Typically, your body and soul are both impacted by what happens at salvation, but it’s not instant or complete.

The good news is, you can change your soul as you change your mind. In fact, you are commanded to do so.
Romans 12:2 says,
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”
Your soul will be transformed to the degree you renew your mind, change your attitudes, and conform to the Word of God. This doesn’t happen automatically when you are saved.
In your soul, old things did not pass away, and all things haven’t yet become new. For that reason, you could actually die from sickness or disease even though all of the power that raised Jesus from the dead is residing untapped within your spirit. It’s like dying of thirst while leaning against a well full of life-giving water.
Think of your soul like the valve on a faucet: It controls the rate and volume of the flow of the spirit into your body. If your mind is renewed and in agreement with the Word, the valve is wide open. But if it is in agreement with what your body is feeling or what your emotions are experiencing, then the valve is closed to God’s life in your spirit.
Your soul has the power to keep every drop of life-giving power from ever reaching your physical body, or it can flood your body with the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. If the valve is open, you’ll experience healing, deliverance, anointing, victory, power, joy, prosperity, and more. So, keep it open.

This revelation of the relationship of the spirit, soul, and body has transformed my life. When I realized that God had already given me everything I needed and it’s all contained in my spirit, it set me free. All I needed to do was release it. That simple understanding changes everything. It’s infinitely easier to release something you already have than it is to get something you don’t have.
The Christian life isn’t a process of “getting from God”; it’s a process of renewing your mind and learning to release what you’ve already received.
If you don’t understand that you have already received all that you will ever need at salvation (in your spirit), there will always be an element of doubt. You may know it’s possible or even promised in the Word, but you’ll be trying to perceive it in the mental, emotional, or physical realm, and that’s a formula for failure.
That erroneous concept can also result in a performance-based relationship with God; i.e., if you’re good enough, if you read the Bible enough, if you pay your tithe, and on and on it goes, in an attempt to motivate God to give you what you need. It’s the misconception that God hasn’t already given you everything, and somehow you have to make yourself worthy enough to get it.
You’re already worthy because of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice. He paid the price for everything you will ever need. In fact, you’ve already got it. It’s just a matter of understanding the relationship of the spirit to the soul and body.
Understanding spirit, soul, and body is critically important to every believer. It’s like the key that opens the treasure chest of God’s grace. It could be a matter of life and death, and it’s the foundation to understanding the rest of Scripture.

In 2005, I published my book, Spirit, Soul & Body and the companion study guide. They contain my complete teaching on this subject. The study guide breaks the book down into lessons, each with a lesson outline, teacher’s guide, discipleship questions, and an answer key. In addition, it contains a CD-ROM that you may use to reproduce the outline and questions for those you are discipling.

Differences between soul and body:

Soul- you sum total thoughts, feelings experiential emotional feedback up to this point body- flesh and bone earthly tent where everything abides on earthmind- thoughts, curiosities, imagination and any latent or long discovered software you have downloaded into your thought process by God since conception self- that fallen self absorbed sociopathic display or helpless yearning and desire to express the flesh in a manner that is always falling short of God's Glory in a sinful state spirit- that unexplainable union of God's created propertry (waiting to be recalled unto Himself in the day of Wrath for the unbeliever or the appearance at the Bema Seat for the believer) that was fearfully made that will enable us to transcend earth into the heavenls (and possibly other dimensions) that carries in it the remnants of our short lived earthly experience.
Perhaps directly described as an energy shell comprising
multi dimensional planes molecularly bonded to the infinity of the universe, space, time, and matter and Soul is the entity of man that will live on forever after the physical part ceases. Whether it will be in torment or in the presence of The Lord will be determined while we are in these physical bodies.
Spirit is what drives a persons actions whether it be the human spirit which we were born with or when we are saved from sin and God gives the Holy Spirit which is there to lead and guide us after we have received Him.
 Body is just a vessel that God uses to get His word out to the world. Even though it belongs to Him, people still decide to do whatever they want with it and make up excuses to be atheists and talk about some big bang theory/evolution that gave us everything that makes up the body...i m sorry i went off track. I'm just saying...it took a mind to create such a world we live in..not just some sporadic event.

Similarities between soul and body:

The human body is the entire structure of a human organism, and consists of a head, neck, torso, two arms and two legs. By the time the human reaches adulthood, the body consists of close to 100 trillion cells, the basic unit of life. These cells are organised biologically to eventually form the whole body. While A soul – in certain spiritual, philosophical, and psychological traditions – is the incorporeal essence of a person, living thing, or object. Many philosophical and spiritual systems teach that only humans have souls, while others teach that all living things, and even inanimate objects (such as rivers), have souls. The latter belief is commonly called animism. Soul can function as a synonym for spirit, mind or self; scientific works, in particular, often consider 'soul' as a synonym for 'mind'.

Earth and Sky


Earth is a planet in which all human beings live and sky is a thing that we ever want to touch. I have to tell u about what is between earth and sky, similarities and differences. Here are some details about earth and sky.

Differences between earth and sky:

The sky is the part of the atmosphere or of outer space visible from the surface of any astronomical object. It is difficult to define precisely for several reasons. During daylight, the sky of Earth has the appearance of a deep blue surface because of the air's scattering of sunlight. The sky is sometimes defined as the denser gaseous zone of a planet's atmosphere. At night the sky has the appearance of a black surface or region scattered with stars. During the day the Sun can be seen in the sky, unless covered by clouds. In the night sky (and to some extent during the day) the moon, planets and stars are visible in the sky. Some of the natural phenomena seen in the sky are clouds, rainbows, and aurorae. Lightning and precipitation can also be seen in the sky during storms. On Earth, birds, insects, aircraft, and kites are often considered to fly in the sky. As a result of human activities, smog during the day and light radiance during the night are often seen above large cities (see also light pollution).
In the field of astronomy, the sky is also called the celestial sphere. This is an imaginary dome where the sun, stars, planets, and the moon are seen to be travelling. The celestial sphere is divided into regions called constellations.
Earth science generally recognizes 4 spheres, the lithosphere, the hydrosphere, the atmosphere, and the biosphere; these correspond to rocks, water, air, and life. Some practitioners include, as part of the spheres of the Earth, the cryosphere (corresponding to ice) as a distinct portion of the hydrosphere, as well as the pedosphere (corresponding to soil) as an active and intermixed sphere.
Lava flows from the KÄ«lauea volcano into the ocean on the Island of Hawaii.The following fields of science are generally categorized within the geosciences:
Geology describes the rocky parts of the Earth's crust (or lithosphere) and its historic development. Major subdisciplines are mineralogy and petrology, geochemistry, geomorphology, paleontology, stratigraphy, structural geology, engineering geology and sedimentology.
Geophysics and Geodesy investigate the figure of the Earth, its reaction to forces and its magnetic and gravity fields[citation needed]. Geophysicists explore the Earth's core and mantle as well as the tectonic and seismic activity of the lithosphere.
Soil science covers the outermost layer of the Earth's crust that is subject to soil formation processes (or pedosphere). Major subdisciplines include edaphology and pedology.
Oceanography and hydrology (includes limnology) describe the marine and freshwater domains of the watery parts of the Earth (or hydrosphere). Major subdisciplines include hydrogeology and physical, chemical, and biological oceanography[citation needed].
Glaciology covers the icy parts of the Earth (or cryosphere).
Atmospheric sciences cover the gaseous parts of the Earth (or atmosphere) between the surface and the exosphere (about 1000 km). Major subdisciplines are meteorology, climatology, atmospheric chemistry and atmospheric physics.
A very important linking sphere is the biosphere, the study of which is biology. The biosphere consists of all forms of life, from single-celled organisms to pine trees to people. The interactions of Earth's other spheres - lithosphere/geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and/or cryosphere and pedosphere - create the conditions that can support life.

Similarities between earth and sky:

Earth is the third planet from the Sun, and the densest and fifth-largest of the eight planets in the Solar System. It is also the largest of the Solar System's four terrestrial planets. It is sometimes referred to as the world, the Blue Planet, or by its Latin name, Terra. Earth formed approximately 4.54 billion years ago by accretion from the solar nebula, and life appeared on its surface within one billion years. The planet is home to millions of species, including humans. Earth's biosphere has significantly altered the atmosphere and other abiotic conditions on the planet, enabling the proliferation of aerobic organisms as well as the formation of the ozone layer which, together with Earth's magnetic field, blocks harmful solar radiation, permitting life on land. The physical properties of the Earth, as well as its geological history and orbit, have allowed life to persist during this period. The planet is expected to continue supporting life for another 500 million to 2.3 billion years. Earth's crust is divided into several rigid segments, or tectonic plates, that migrate across the surface over periods of many millions of years. About 71% of the surface is covered by salt water oceans, with the remainder consisting of continents and islands which together have many lakes and other sources of water that contribute to the hydrosphere. Earth's poles are mostly covered with solid ice (Antarctic ice sheet) or sea ice (Arctic ice cap). The planet's interior remains active, with a thick layer of relatively solid mantle, a liquid outer core that generates a magnetic field, and a solid iron inner core.
Earth interacts with other objects in space, especially the Sun and the Moon. At present, Earth orbits the Sun once every 366.26 times it rotates about its own axis, which is equal to 365.26 solar days, or one sidereal year.[note 7] The Earth's axis of rotation is tilted 23.4° away from the perpendicular of its orbital plane, producing seasonal variations on the planet's surface with a period of one tropical year (365.24 solar days). Earth's only known natural satellite, the Moon, which began orbiting it about 4.53 billion years ago, provides ocean tides, stabilizes the axial tilt, and gradually slows the planet's rotation. Between approximately 3.8 billion and 4.1 billion years ago, numerous asteroid impacts during the Late Heavy Bombardment caused significant changes to the greater surface environment.
Both the mineral resources of the planet and the products of the biosphere contribute resources that are used to support a global human population. These inhabitants are grouped into about 200 independent sovereign states (193 United Nations recognized sovereign states), which interact through diplomacy, travel, trade, and military action. Human cultures have developed many views of the planet, including personification as a deity, a belief in a flat Earth or in the Earth as the center of the universe, and a modern perspective of the world as an integrated environment that requires stewardship.
while the sky, also known as the celestial dome, commonly refers to everything that lies a certain distance above the surface of Earth, including the atmosphere and the rest of outer space. In the field of astronomy, the sky is also called the celestial sphere. This is an imaginary dome where the sun, stars, planets, and the moon are seen to be traveling. The celestial sphere is divided into regions called constellations. Usually, the term sky is used from the point of view of the Earth's surface. However, the exact meaning of the term can vary; in some cases, the sky is defined as only the denser portions of the atmosphere, for example.
 During daylight, the sky appears to be blue because air scatters blue sunlight more than it scatters red. At night, the sky appears to be a mostly dark surface or region scattered with stars. During the day, the Sun can be seen in the sky, unless obscured by clouds. In the night sky (and to some extent during the day) the moon, planets and stars are visible in the sky. Some of the natural phenomena seen in the sky are clouds, rainbows, and aurorae. Lightning and precipitation can also be seen in the sky during storms. Birds, insects, aircraft, and kites are often considered to fly in the sky. As a result of human activities, smog during the day and light pollution during the night are often seen above large cities.

Man and Woman


Whats the differences and similarities between man and woman? I have some points about the differences and similarities between man and woman. Here they are some of them.

Differences between man and woman:

Top ten differences between a man and a woman.
Human relationships. Women tend to communicate more effectively than men, focusing on how to create a solution that works for the group, talking through issues, and utilizes non-verbal cues such as tone, emotion, and empathy whereas men tend to be more task-oriented, less talkative, and more isolated. Men have a more difficult time understanding emotions that are not explicitly verbalized, while women tend to intuit emotions and emotional cues.These differences explain why men and women sometimes have difficulty communicating and why men-to-men friendships look different from friendships among women.
Left brain vs. both hemispheres. Men tend to process better in the left hemisphere of the brain while women tend to process equally well between the two hemispheres. This difference explains why men are generally stronger with left-brain activities and approach problem-solving from a task-oriented perspective while women typically solve problems more creatively and are more aware of feelings while communicating.
Mathematical abilities. An area of the brain called the inferior-parietal lobule (IPL) is typically significantly larger in men, especially on the left side, than in women. This section of the brain is thought to control mental mathematical ability, and probably explains why men frequently perform higher in mathematical tasks than do women. Interestingly, this is the same area of Einstein’s brain that was discovered to be abnormally large. The IPL also processes sensory information, and the larger right side in women allows them to focus on, "specific stimuli, such as a baby crying in the night."
Reaction to stress. Men tend to have a "fight or flight" response to stress situations while women seem to approach these situations with a "tend and befriend" strategy. Psychologist Shelley E. Taylor coined the phrase "tend and befriend" after recognizing that during times of stress women take care of themselves and their children (tending) and form strong group bonds (befriending). The reason for these different reactions to stress is rooted in hormones. The hormone oxytocin is released during stress in everyone. However, estrogen tends to enhance oxytocin resulting in calming and nurturing feelings whereas testosterone, which men produce in high levels during stress, reduces the effects of oxytocin.
Language. Two sections of the brain responsible for language were found to be larger in women than in men, indicating one reason that women typically excel in language-based subjects and in language-associated thinking. Additionally, men typically only process language in their dominant hemisphere, whereas women process language in both hemispheres. This difference offers a bit of protection in case of a stroke. Women may be able to recover more fully from a stroke affecting the language areas in the brain while men may not have this same advantage.
Emotions. Women typically have a larger deep limbic system than men, which allows them to be more in touch with their feelings and better able to express them, which promotes bonding with others. Because of this ability to connect, more women serve as caregivers for children. The down side to this larger deep limbic system is that it also opens women up to depression, especially during times of hormonal shifts such as after childbirth or during a woman’s menstrual cycle.
Brain size. Typically, men’s brains are 11-12% bigger than women’s brains. This size difference has absolutely nothing to do with intelligence, but is explained by the difference in physical size between men and women. Men need more neurons to control their greater muscle mass and larger body size, thus generally have a larger brain.
Pain. Men and women perceive pain differently. In studies, women require more morphine than men to reach the same level of pain reduction. Women are also more likely to vocalize their pain and to seek treatment for their pain than are men. The area of the brain that is activated during pain is the amygdala, and researchers have discovered that in men, the right amygdala is activated and in women, the left amygdala is activated. The right amygdala has more connections with areas of the brain that control external functions while the right amygdala has more connections with internal functions. This difference probably explains why women perceive pain more intensely than do men.

Spatial ability. Men typically have stronger spatial abilities, or being able to mentally represent a shape and its dynamics, whereas women typically struggle in this area. Medical experts have discovered that women have a thicker parietal region of the brain, which hinders the ability to mentally rotate objects–an aspect of spatial ability. Research has shown this ability in babies as young as 5 months old, negating any ideas that these abilities were strengthened by environmental influences.
Susceptibility to disorders. Because of the way men and women use the two hemispheres of the brain differently, there are some disorders that men and women are susceptible to in different ways. Men are more apt to have dyslexia or other language problems. If women have dyslexia, they are more likely to compensate for it. Women, on the other hand, are more susceptible to mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. While handedness is not a disorder, these brain tendencies also explain why more men are left-handed than are women. Men are also more likely to be diagnosed with autism, ADHD, and Tourette’s Syndrome.
Other differences are
Women understand colour. They seem to know what to wear all the time. Men just think red is nice, pink is nice, so why not have them together?
Jeremy Vine Women have the Oh dear, the toilet paper is on its last sheet; must replace it immediately gene. This is entirely absent in men who have the Oh s..t! Can you pass me a toilet roll, love? gene!
Jenni Murray
Men have no opinions about curtains.
Stuart Maconie On being told that someone has bought a new car women usually ask what colour it is - men ask what sort is it.
Anna Ford
Women have the If you need to be told I am not going to tell you gene
David Bergin, Switzerland Women know instinctively what is dangerous or not recommended for babies in their care. Men, generally speaking, do not.
Sian Lindsey, Netherlands
Men like to have all their stuff (DVDs, CDs, etc) on show to impress their mates. Women like to hide things in cupboards.
Mark Nelson, UK Women have a built in calendar gene - we remember birthdays, anniversaries and appointments effortlessly.
Linsday, UK
Ask a woman in the street how to get somewhere and she will direct via shops. Ask a man and it will be via pubs.
Fred, UK Women put things on the bottom stair to take up next time she has to go upstairs. Men just step over them until told to pick them up
Karen Kelsey, UK
Men appreciate the importance of a 42 inch plasma screen. Women do not.
Jonathan, UK A multi-tasking gene is clearly only owned by women - men can never prepare dinner so that everything is ready at the same time.
Kelly , UK
Women can use sex to get what they want. Men cannot, as sex is what they want.
Eoin Dempsey, Ireland Women pick up on subtleties and then think about them. Men need things explained IN CAPITAL LETTERS before the message gets through.
Morag, Edinburgh
Men speak in sentences. Women speak in paragraphs.
Steve Munoz, US At weddings, women cry then get drunk. Men get drunk, then cry.
Debby, UK
For men, 2am is time for sleep. For women, 2am is time for a discussion about where our relationship is going.
Luke, UK When faced with flat-pack furniture, men never read the manual. Yet they spend hours reading manuals for cars or bikes they will never own.
Linda, UK
Men can store useless information. Like the top speed of a car they are never going to drive, let alone own.
Rob, UK Men can balance an infinite amount of rubbish in the bin, without noticing it is full.
Yvonne Eccles, England
Only women can understand other women.
Jon Lipscombe Women know when all you want is a glass of wine, nodding sympathy and a good whinge. Men offer a solution.
Wendy, UK
Woman have the diary gene. (And no, they do not make your bums look big).
Ben Appleby, UK Women are missing the parking a car in between two straight white lines in an empty car park gene
Jane, UK
If you told a woman that you had just returned from a trip to the surface of the Moon, she would show her interest by asking who you had gone with.
Howard, UK Men do not even bother to look for something, then ask where it is and hope that it was the woman who put it away
Kate , Isle of Man
When men want something they ask for it. When women want something they make a point distantly related to the subject and wait for a response.
David Lawson, England Women have an ability to make men think they are in charge.
Sheila, UK
Men need a round of applause for emptying the dishwasher. Women think E on the petrol gauge means enough.
Peter Richmond, Canada Men use I or me when they should use we or us. Women use we or us when they should use I or me.
Clair, England
Men have a gene which makes them blissfully unaware of impending emotional outbursts, but which sometimes backfires resulting in the registering of physical pain.
Gary, UK Women have the we must name our car gene.
Louise, UK
Men refuse to pay more than £5.00 for a hair cut as it is not that important.
Mark Tomlinson Men have the capacity to sleep through most sounds, whether it is a baby crying, dog barking, or doorbell ringing.
Val Soanes
Men know that common house spiders are far less dangerous than scorpions.
John S, UK Women drive on the stretch of road they can see. Men move through the landscape by car.
Anne Taylor, UK
Women enjoy planning a wedding.
Tom Howes, UK Men have an anorak gene, which triggers a lecture on thermo dynamics when asked a simple question requiring a yes or no answer
Deborah, England
Women eat curry if they like it. Men eat curry to prove they can.
Paul Angel, England Men manage to sit in public places with their legs wide open without noticing how startlingly unattractive it is and how they get in the way.
Jane Penrose, UK
Women could never invent weapons that kill, only ones that make you feel really bad and guilty until you surrender
Dan, UK Women are the only ones with the noticing gene - we notice when something is dirty/nearly empty/out of place and then we bring into play the doing something about it now gene!
Sarah Wilson, UK
Men can watch an entire film without having to ask who is that, what does he do?
Alistair, UK Women know what to do when someone starts to cry. Men tend to shuffle out of the room mumbling something about doing the grouting.
Lucy, UK
Girls cannot climb trees. Furthermore, they cannot be in my gang.
Dominic Green, UK Men will do something and not think about the risks involved then be sorry after. Women will think about the risks involved before hand.
Diane McKay, England
A man can choose and buy a pair of shoes in 90 seconds over the internet.
Paul, UK Men have the ability to make a la, la, la, not listening face.
Laura Humphreys, England
Women pee together. Men do not acknowledge, let alone speak, to each other when peeing.
Angus, London Men have the shed gene, where being locked up in a small wooden structure in quiet contemplation with a collection of garden equipment counts as stimulating entertainment.
Lorraine, UK
Men can drive without having to look at themselves in the mirror.
Christian Paterson, France Men have a gene which enables them to answer any question, no matter how complex or important, with Mmm.
Rachel, UK
Women make lists upon lists of things for men to do when they know very well we will never do them.
Brian Mac, US Women do not get turned on at the thought of two men together.
Donna, South Africa
Men CAN get a bus through there!
Bob Ellis,England Men can watch six different channels at the same time and know the name of none of the programmes they claim to be following
Niamh Brown, Singapore
Men can write their names clearly in the snow.
Riccardo, UK Women can smell old trainers at 100ft, men have to hold them to their nose.
Sally, UK
Men start a sentence and...
Cliff Grover, UK ....women finish it for them
Jane Grover, UK
Men enjoy publicising their faults on BBC websites; women enjoy publicising men's faults on BBC websites.
Paul, UK Men have the empathy with computers gene. This means they are more likely to be found fiddling about with one rather than doing something useful.
Sarah Savill, England
Men are paid more for doing the same job. :-)
Nigel Harris, UK Women have the take things personally gene.
Emma, UK
Women keep carrier bags hidden away in a cupboard. They even keep carrier bags within carrier bags.!
Matt, UK Women parallel process, men parallel park.
Petal, UK
Men look at going down the gym as a physical activity, to women it is a social event.
Robert, UK A woman would look at a sexy man and not be noticed. Men just stare.
Isabelle West, UK
Women think that a good place to keep the TV controller is on top of the TV.
Christopher, UK Men have a gene that enables them to maintain a vice like grip on the remote control while reclining on the sofa studying the insides of their eyelids.
Jane, UK
Women can get by with 10 or 20 CDs. Men need 200 plus.
Damien Bove, Leeds Women know that washing machines have programmes for every kind of fabric, colour and quantity and use them appropriately. Men will put a months supply of laundry through the 40 degree cycle (safest guess), regardless of any other detail.
Janine MacLean, UK
Women order rice and eat men's chips.
Liam, Wales Men will hear you open a beer from three rooms away.
Aileen, Scotland
Women recall every outfit they have worn for the past two decades. Men cannot remember what they were wearing yesterday without looking on the floor next to the bed.
Tom, London, UK If a man knows an acquaintance has given birth to a baby, he will remember the sex and name - if you are lucky. If a woman is told about a birth, she will remember names (first and middle), weight, time, how long the labour took and whether medical intervention was required.
Marcia, UK
Women have the ability to brain dump their entire day when they get home - men can only remember that it went OK
Bob Findlay, Ireland Men cannot watch sports and talk to their wives at the same time.
Lisa, Canada

Similarities between man and woman:

Cognitive variables. Including reading comprehension, perceptual speed, science, mental rotation, spatial visualization, attribution of success to effort.
Communication. Including assertive speech, self-disclosure to a stranger, smiling and understanding facial expression.
Social and personality variables. Including aggression under provocation, helping behavior, sexuality, leadership, agreeableness and extraversion.
Psychological well-being. Including self-esteem, happiness, life satisfaction and coping.
Motor behaviors. Including throw velocity, sprinting and flexibility.
Miscellaneous. Including moral reasoning, cheating behavior, computer use and job attribute preference.

Fully 78% of the differences between men and women are small or close to zero. There are three main areas of differences between men and women:
Sexuality - in particular attitudes to sex in uncommitted relationships.
Aggression - men are generally more aggressive.
Motor performance - this is where the largest differences are seen with men being better at throwing, jumping, sprinting and so on.
The bottom line is that if someone tells you men are more aggressive, have better motor performance or have different attitudes to sex than women, then you can believe them. If it's anything else, the differences between men and women are probably very small or non-existent.
Continued overinflated reports of differences between men and women are damaging to all of us:
If men and women are told they 'speak a different language', they may not bother trying to patch up their relationships.
If women continue to believe they are the 'nurturers', they may be penalised in the workplace. Similarly, men who believe they cannot be nurturant may be penalised in their family and relationships.

If girls believe they cannot achieve in maths, this affects their actualachievement. Similarly, if boys think they are poor at communicating or working together, this may be detrimental to them.
 Ultimately men are not from Mars and women are not from Venus. We're both from Earth, so don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Eye and Camera


I am often asked by people and photographers what should be done to a photograph to make it match what we saw.
 This is an important question because it addresses the differences between what we see and what the camera captures. It addresses the difference between our eyes and the image of camera means the lens, filters, camera, film or sensor.
The differences between the two are not only notable, they are also damaging to the reality we see because the camera introduces numerous changes to this reality.

In order to create an image that matches what we saw, we not only have to become aware of what this damage is, we also need to learn how we can fix this damage. Only then will we be able to create an image that not only “matches what we saw” but also expresses how we felt when we took the photograph. Only then we will be able to create an image that represents what our eyes and brain saw and not just what the camera captured, an image which is not only a factual record of what was in front of the camera, but also a visual expression of our emotional response to the scene we photographed.

Differences between eye and camera:

The fact is that the eyes uses living cells while the camera is artificial just like the eye focus the image using the retina while the camera changes the position of the lenses and the amount of light enters the eye is control by the iris while in camera it is by the diaphragm.

Cameras can take pictures, your eye can only process it to your brain so that it goes to your memory. Cameras don't lose their memory unless you delete it, unlike your brain which often tends to.

The contemporary camera is an electromechanical device, and the eye is a biological mechanism. Both have a lens to respond to and focus electromagnetic energy (light), but the eye puts the light on and the main fact is that the eye can see better than a camera's lens
 The human eye is a subjective device. This means that eyes work in harmony with the brain to create the images we perciece. Our eyes are adjusting the focus ( by bending the light through the lens in your eye balls ) and translating photons (Light) into an electrical impulse your brain can process. From there onwards, its all about our brain. It is continuously readjusting its color balance according to lighting context. In other words, Our eyes know what must be seen as red or white or blue etc.

 A camera, on the other hand, is an absolute measurement device. It is measuring the light that hits a sweries of sensor, but the sensor is dumb, and the signals recorded need to be adjusted to suit the color temperature of light illuminating the scene, For example

Lens focus:

In camera, the lens moves closer/further from the film to focus. In our eyes, the lens changes shape to focus: The muscles in your eyes change the actual shape of the lens inside our eyes.
Sensitivity to light:
A film in a camera is uniformly sensitive to light. The human retina is not. Therefore, with respect to quality of image and capturing power, our eyes have a greater sensitivity in dark locations than a typical camera.

Similarities between eye and camera:

First of all, both of them have an opening at the centre for light to enter aperture for the camera and a pupil for the eye. The camera has a diaphragm to control the size of the aperture (to control the amount of light entering camera/eye) while the eye has iris muscles to control the size of the pupil. Cornea is the main part of the eye (included are lens, aqeuos and the vitreous humor) that functions to refract light as a glass biconvex does in the camera. Photosensitive chemicals on the film of camera and photoreceptors in the cornea of the eye are the objects of light action to form an image and they both absorb excessive light to prevent multiple images formation using a dark internal surface in the camera and a pigmented, dark choroid in the eye.

And both the human eye and a camera use something called a lens. In fact, they both use the same type of lens - a converging lens. Converging lenses are like the ones in magnifying glasses - they work to make an image look bigger. This is why you can see the details in something even if it's on the other side of the room. One thing about lenses is that they can only focus on things that are the same distance away from them. This is why your eyes can focus on things that are close to you or far from you; just not at the same time. Cameras are the same way - you can only focus them on things that are the same distance away.

In the camera, the lens focuses the light onto a piece of film. The film has chemicals in it that basically trap the image on it, making it permanent. Instead of film, your eye uses something called a 'retina.' The retina has lots of little tiny things called 'rods' and 'cones' all over it. These are basically tiny antennae that tell your brain about the light that hits them. The rods tell your brain if there's light in a certain spot or not (a bit like a black and white photo) and the cones tell your brain what color the light is.

There is one spot on the retina, though, that has no antennae at all. This is the spot where the nerve leaves your eye to go to your brain. At this spot, you can't see anything at all - it's called your 'blind spot.' This is one of the reasons that you have two eyes; what you can't see with one eye you can see with the other. Unlike your eyes, cameras have no blind spot, so they only need to have one lens.

Another important thing about seeing light is that you have to be able to control how much light gets in... otherwise, you couldn't see things in a brightly-lit room because you'd be overwhelmed by how much light there is. Your eye controls how much light gets in by changing the size of the pupil - the dark spot in the center of your eye. The more light there is, the smaller your pupil becomes, and the less light gets in. Many (but not all) cameras also can adjust to let different amounts of light in. This way, your outdoor pictures don't look washed out and your indoor pictures don't look too dark.

An interesting thing that I learned about pupils is that your pupil will also change size depending on what sort of mood you're in. But you sure can't tell the mood of a camera just by looking at it!

Brain and Heart


The relationship and connection between heart and brain.

There is more information going from the heart to the brain than the other way around,
and this information influences region´s in the brain that affect decision making, creativity and especially emotions.
The general idea is that the body is a downward system, but 85-90% of all neural fibres
carry information from the body to the brain, and a major part of this information
comes from the heart via the nervus vagus.

Differences between brain and heart:

Everything we think is thought in the brain. So, the 'mind' is just our everyday way of saying the 'brain'. Sometimes when we want to talk about feelings, which are a very special kind of thinking, we talk about the 'heart'.
Of course the heart is really only a muscle for pumping blood through the body, but the ancients thought that it was also tied up in some way with our feelings. Since they did not understand physiology, the ancients simply decided that thoughts came from the mind and the heart.
To some, the soul is also an imaginary part of our bodies. Certainly, this is true when we talk of an artist having 'soul'. But, in many religions the soul is also a spirit that forms part of a person and will inhabit an afterlife when the body has died.

The soul is our "higher self", our essence. It is immaterial and feeds off spiritual nourishment. It is where we feel pleasure and where we are, our life almost.

The mind is where we calculate how to receive pleasure, where we make decisions between what is right and wrong and how we live out lives. It is our "self", our consience.

The heart is an organ, it keeps us alive and so is essential to us. It is also the organ that - mythically - governs our feelings. This is in fact false, because we do it with our brain, but there is no denying the fact that it is an important symbological tradition.

Heart is the organ in your chest that sends the blood around your body. Mind is the part of a persons brain that makes it possible for a person to think, feel emotions and understand things. Brain is the organ inside the head that controls thought, memory, feelings and activity. Soul is the spiritual part of a person which some idiots believe continues to exist in some form after their body has died, or the part of a person which is not physical and experiences deep feelings and emotions.

And the simple fact is that the brain is the engine, while the car is the physical body of the human being where the mind is the driver of this car of life and hearts is steering to keep safe your car.

Similarities between brain and heart:

The human heart has a mass of between 250 and 350 grams and is about the size of a fist. It is located anterior to the vertebral column and posterior to the sternum.
It is enclosed in a double-walled sac called the pericardium. The superficial part of this sac is called the fibrous pericardium. This sac protects the heart, anchors its surrounding structures, and prevents overfilling of the heart with blood.
The outer wall of the human heart is composed of three layers. The outer layer is called the epicardium, or visceral pericardium since it is also the inner wall of the pericardium. The middle layer is called the myocardium and is composed of cardiac muscle which contracts. The inner layer is called the endocardium and is in contact with the blood that the heart pumps. Also, it merges with the inner lining endothelium of blood vessels and covers heart valves.
The human heart has four chambers, two superior atria and two inferior ventricles. The atria are the receiving chambers and the ventricles are the discharging chambers. The pathway of blood through the human heart consists of a pulmonary circuit and a systemic circuit. Deoxygenated blood flows through the heart in one direction, entering through the superior vena cava into the right atrium and is pumped through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle before being pumped out through the pulmonary valve to the pulmonary arteries into the lungs. It returns from the lungs through the pulmonary veins to the left atrium where it is pumped through the mitral valve into the left ventricle before leaving through the aortic valve to the aorta.

The human brain has the same general structure as the brains of other mammals, but is larger than expected on the basis of body size among other primates. Estimates for the number of neurons (nerve cells) in the human brain range from 80 to 120 billion. Most of the expansion comes from the cerebral cortex, especially the frontal lobes, which are associated with executive functions such as self-control, planning, reasoning, and abstract thought. The portion of the cerebral cortex devoted to vision is also greatly enlarged in human beings, and several cortical areas play specific roles in language, a skill that is unique to humans.
Despite being protected by the thick bones of the skull, suspended in cerebrospinal fluid, and isolated from the bloodstream by the blood-brain barrier, the human brain is susceptible to many types of damage and disease. The most common forms of physical damage are closed head injuries such as a blow to the head, a stroke, or poisoning by a variety of chemicals that can act as neurotoxins. Infection of the brain, though serious, is rare due to the biological barriers which protect it. The human brain is also susceptible to degenerative disorders, such as Parkinson"s disease, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer"s disease. A number of psychiatric conditions, such as schizophrenia and depression, are thought to be associated with brain dysfunctions, although the nature of such brain anomalies is not well understood.

The adult human brain weighs on average about 3 lb (1.5 kg) with a size (volume) of around 1130 cubic centimetres (cm3) in women and 1260 cm3 in men, although there is substantial individual variation. Neanderthals, an extinct subspecies of modern humans, had larger brains at adulthood than present-day humans. Men with the same body height and body surface area as women have on average 100g heavier brains, although these differences do not correlate in any simple way with gray matter neuron counts or with overall measures of cognitive performance. The brain is very soft, having a consistency similar to softgelatin or soft tofu. Despite being referred to as "grey matter", the live cortex is pinkish-beige in color and slightly off-white in the interior. At the age of 20, a man has around 1.76 km and a woman about 1.49 km of myelinated axons in their brains.
 And the main fact is that, Heart and brain both are vital organs and both are protected by tough bones, heart is protected by ribs and brain is protected by skull, both have there own system, brain control nervous and heart control circulatory. We can not live without these organs.

Movie and Real Life


I want to describe the similarities and differences between a movie and a real life... Movie life is also called the reel life... Here are some similarities and differences between movie and real life....

Differences between movie and real life:

There are many people that have a slightly skewed view on romance. Of course you want to fall in love and have the happily ever after that you so often see in a Hollywood romance film. Unfortunately that is sometimes not the case in all situations and it is important to set your expectations accordingly.
The problem is there are often young singles out there searching for true romance and while there is nothing wrong with that, the truth is there are many movies that lead you to believe that romance is actually something out of the norm and that for a true connection one must have roses, lavish hotel rooms and spur of the moment trips to Paris.
While many do have experience with relationships and do know that that once in lifetime is a very special feeling, others believe that this will happen to them with the next person that they meet.
Online dating has opened many doors to those seeking to meet the perfect match. If a motion picture romance is what you are looking for you can very well specify this in your profile and hope that either your princess or your prince are the next reader, but don’t hold your breath because that guy (or gal) next door just might make you way happier in the long run!

And the simple fact is that when I think of "reel life" I think, actually dream of, fishing, casting out into a quiet lake early in the morning with the mist hovering over the water and the sunshine skimming across the surface of the water. "Real life" is what I wake up to.

Similarities between movie and real life:

A film, also called a movie or motion picture, is a series of still or moving images. It is produced by recording photographic images with cameras, or by creating images using animation techniques or visual effects. The process of filmmaking has developed into an art form and industry.
Films are cultural artifacts created by specific cultures, which reflect those cultures, and, in turn, affect them. Film is considered to be an important art form, a source of popular entertainment and a powerful method for educating – or indoctrinating – citizens. The visual elements of cinema give motion pictures a universal power of communication. Some films have become popular worldwide attractions by using dubbing or subtitles that translate the dialogue into the language of the viewer.
Films are made up of a series of individual images called frames. When these images are shown rapidly in succession, a viewer has the illusion that motion is occurring. The viewer cannot see the flickering between frames due to an effect known as persistence of vision, whereby the eye retains a visual image for a fraction of a second after the source has been removed. Viewers perceive motion due to a psychological effect called beta movement.
The origin of the name "film" comes from the fact that photographic film (also called film stock) has historically been the primary medium for recording and displaying motion pictures. Many other terms exist for an individual motion picture, including picture, picture show, moving picture, photo-play and flick. A common name for film in the United States is movie, while in Europe the term film is preferred. Additional terms for the field in general include the big screen, the silver screen, the cinema and the movies.

While Life is a characteristic that distinguishes objects that have signaling and self-sustaining processes (i.e., living organisms) from those that do not, either because such functions have ceased (death), or else because they lack such functions and are classified as inanimate. Biology is the science concerned with the study of life.
Living organisms undergo metabolism, maintain homeostasis, possess a capacity to grow, respond to stimuli, reproduce and, through natural selection, adapt to their environment in successive generations. More complex living organisms can communicate through various mean. A diverse array of living organisms (life forms) can be found in the biosphere on Earth, and the properties common to these organisms—plants, animals, fungi, protists, archaea, and bacteria—are a carbon- and water-based cellular form with complex organization and heritable genetic information.
 In philosophy and religion, the conception of life and its nature varies. Both offer interpretations as to how life relates to existence and consciousness, and both touch on many related issues, including life stance, purpose, conception of a god or gods, a soul or an afterlife.

Cars and Motor Bikes


I want to describe the similarities and differences between cars and bikes... Here are some similarities and differences between cars and bikes....

Differences between cars and motor bikes:

There are many differences between cars and motorcycles. Some people out there like motorcycles over cars and some people prefer cars over motorcycles due to the safety factor of motorcycles compared to cars. Some prefer the comfort of motorcycles but some prefer the comfort of cars. Then there is a cost difference between the cars and motorcycles as some prefer one over the other. I am going to tell you about the cost of motorcycles and cars, the comfort of motorcycles and cars, and the safety of motorcycles and cars.
First, motorcycles are less expensive then cars. As you can see motorcycles can cost only a few thousand dollars. But cars can cost anywhere from a little more than a few thousand dollars to twenty thousand dollars and up. Cars are nice to have but depending on which one you prefer to purchase can cost you a pretty penny. You can get a small compact car which might only cost between seven and ten thousand dollars or you can get an SUV which would be over twenty thousand dollars. Motorcycles are not that expensive when compared to a car. You can get a motorcycle for under a few thousand dollars. Most people who look at this at a cost factor would prefer to go with a motorcycle to save money.
Second, cars are more comforting to be in than motorcycles are. As you probably already know motorcycles are not that big and have a leather seat. The seat is not roomy enough and can get hot at times. This makes it really uncomfortable. Also lots of people like to wear motorcycle gear such as leather gloves and leather clothing such as leather pants. Leather pants can make it very uncomfortable to ride a motorcycle at any given time. Cars are big and very roomy. It's actually very comfortable to be sitting down riding in one. The seats can be leather or cloth with a carpet like material. Sitting in the car driving does not bother the comfort. People have been driving cars for many years and are very well use to the comfort of them.
Third, is the safety of cars and motorcycles when riding? Both cars and motorcycles are not safe at all. Some could say one is not safer than the other. But from hearing on the news about accidents with cars and accidents with motorcycles we can say that they all have their fair share of safety problems. Motorcycles are not safe at all. Motorcycles ride on two wheels which we all know of. Motorcycles can go fast quickly and motorcyclists like to swerve in and out of lanes which cause a safety hazard. There is a lot of motorcycle related accidents all the time. Cars are dangerous also. There are car accidents being reported all the time. Even though cars seem like they are much safer than motorcycles they actually are not that safe. Some can argue that cars are safe or safer but they still cause a safety hazard out there. Every day there are plenty of car related accidents happening all the time? But having 4 wheels which a car has makes the car safer. But you are only safe as safe as the driver is. But not everyone is a safe driver things happen all the time without knowing.
Finally, there are many differences between cars and motorcycles. But as we have learned there is the cost of motorcycles which is a lot less than the cost of cars. The comfort of cars how they are more roomy compared to a motorcycle which can be less comforting with all the motorcycle gear on and the small leather seat. And lastly we learned about the safety of driving a car as compared to a motorcycle learning that neither one is safer than the other and that we all get into accidents at one time or another.
and there are good bikers and bad bikers. There are good drivers and bad drivers. Bikes and cars get along just fine, it’s the people who use them that’s the problem. We’re all freaking nuts! It’s human to think the “other” is the problem.
Cars are bad if you’re biking. Bikes are bad if you’re driving. When you’re in a car and another driver cuts you off, you don’t think that cars should be banned from the roads because you’re also in a car. When you’re on a bike and another bike nearly hits you, you don’t want to ban all bikes.
The real difference between bikes and cars is that cars will always crush and kill bikers dead in a very real and un-fun way for everyone involved. So, no matter if you’re biking or driving, please keep that in mind.

Similarities between cars and motor bikes:

Car is a wheeled motor vehicle used for transporting passengers, which also carries its own engine or motor. Most definitions of the term specify that automobiles are designed to run primarily on roads, to have seating for one to eight people, to typically have four wheels, and to be constructed principally for the transport of people rather than goods. The term motorcar has also been used in the context of electrified rail systems to denote a car which functions as a small locomotive but also provides space for passengers and baggage. These locomotive cars were often used on suburban routes by both interurban and intercity railroad systems.
There are approximately 600 million passenger cars worldwide (roughly one car per eleven people). Around the world, there were about 806 million cars and light trucks on the road in 2007; the engines of these burn over a billion cubic meters (260 billion US gallons) of petrol/gasoline and diesel fuel yearly. The numbers are increasing rapidly, especially in China and India.
While a motorcycle (also called a motorbike, bike, or cycle) is a single-track, two-wheeled[2] motor vehicle. Motorcycles vary considerably depending on the task for which they are designed, such as long distance travel, navigating congested urban traffic, cruising, sport and racing, or off-road conditions.
Motorcycles are one of the most affordable forms of motorised transport in many parts of the world and, for most of the world's population, they are also the most common type of motor vehicle. There are around 200 million motorcycles (including mopeds, motor scooters, motorised bicycles, and other powered two and three-wheelers) in use worldwide or about 33 motorcycles per 1000 people. This compares to around 590 million cars, or about 91 per 1000 people.
Most of the motorcycles, 58%, are in the developing countries of Asia — Southern and Eastern Asia, and the Asia Pacific countries, excluding Japan — while 33% of the cars (195 million) are concentrated in the United States and Japan. In 2006 China had 54 million motorcycles in use and an annual production of 2 million units. As of 2002, India with an estimated 37 million motorcycles/mopeds was home to the largest number of motorised two wheelers in the world. China came a close second with 34 million motorcycles/mopeds.
Both are motorized vehicles for transporting one or more persons.
Both travel on rubber tires over roadways.

The car is larger, carries more, wastes more resources, has blind spots and is harder to judge the position of resulting in more minor bumps. It isolates the driver more from the environment resulting in less attention to the environment, resulting in more accidents. It enables the driver to yak on the cell phone, read, eat, etc.; resulting in distracted driving and more accidents.

The motorcycle attracts high-risk idiots that skew the accident statistics making it appear that motorcycles are more dangerous.
Similarities. They are both transportation devices and used as recreational devices. Both are meant either to get you from point a to point b, or to enjoy moving, steering, speeding, braking. Both use internal combustion engines that require similar maintenance. The best of both are made in Japan, at least the best deal for the money. 8^) Both use the same street/road/highway system and obey the same rules of the road.

Differences. In a car you are inside the device and watch the world through windows. In the biggest cars, the vehicle is designed to separate you from external reality, it's almost like sitting in your living room and watching the road on TV. You have heat and air conditioning, radio, and in some cases even TV, to entertain you enroute. You can carry several passengers who can talk, eat, read, or sleep while you reach your destination. Every attempt is made to make the car seem like a living room, a comfortable space to sit in while you reach your destination. In fact on the biggest, most comfortable cars, you don't feel or hear the engine, you don't feel the road, you are shielded from all these realities.

On a motorcycle, you -are- the vehicle. At its simplest, it's you, sitting on an engine, moving down the road. You are constantly in touch with your environment--wind, road texture, engine sound, air temperature, weather, even the local smells. It is a much more involved experience, you are much more involved with the actual transportation. You are forced to be more aware of conditions. You feel the surface of the road, the adhesion of the tires. You can only carry one passenger but the motorcycle is primarily seen as an individual vehicle, and the ride itself is the purpose, not the destination. Because you are so much more involved, time and distance seem to pass much more quickly!

Motorcycles today are being made more 'sophisticated' to make them more like cars. In previous decades, motorcycles were more simple, more 'primitive'. You were constantly aware of the engine throbbing under you, and you and the engine and the road had a more intimate, closer relationship. Today a lot of bikes are four cylinder, water cooled, so you don't feel or hear the engine as much, you mostly feel just the motive power under your right wrist. Lots of bikes are even covered with plastic so the internal workings are not as visible. So the bike is less like a mechanical device and more like a 'magic carpet'--hop on it, twist the throttle and glide smoothly and noiselessly towards your destination, much like we think of a luxury car. Compare a modern Gold Wing with an old Harley from the 1960s, or a Triumph Bonneville.